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Showing posts from June 4, 2017

Creating Fiction Part 1

Creating Fiction Part 1           Hello everyone! Today I'd like to take a moment to break down how I come up with the things that I do. Every author has different ways, and each of them are unique and interesting. Step 1:   Pick a Genre.  This may seem obvious to most, but as soon as the ideas start swimming in your head, narrow them down to a few choices. You can always decide on this later, but the sooner you get it out of the way then the sooner you can get to the real fun which is writing. If you have a lot of ideas about space then choose Sci-Fi, if you want to create an entirely new world then maybe Fantasy would be best. The internet is your friend, so feel free to do your research as you go along. Step 2: Choose an Audience.  Ultimately if you are writing to be successful or for profit, then you definitely want to cater to a specific demographic. You won't want to target an audience of children if your book is going to be a 300...

New Beginnings

New Beginnings ~ By C. J. Strong           First of all I would just like to thank everyone for coming on and viewing my Blog. My name is C. J. Strong or better known by as my real name Cliff Armstrong. The reason for a pen name is because I am an aspiring author. All that means is that I am dedicating large amounts of my time into writing  a novel . I'm already well into my first draft and I plan on writing an entire series of them.  What type of book you may ask?           Well, I am trying to write it within the realm of fantasy. It's coming along nicely and definitely has a lot of suspenseful moments along with twists and turns, BUT I am not here to just promote my book. I am here to build a fan base, a community, dedicated to knowledge. A college professor of mine recently told me that to be a student is great, even a successful student, but what will set you apart from the rest is to become  a scholar . So h...