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The Uncrowned King
By C. J. Strong

            Sometimes toughness is synonymous with stupidity, and this was just the case with Gerald G. Griswold or Jerry as some would call him. Jerry was a basic man with basic qualities. In fact, the only thing that wasn’t basic about Jerry was his temperament. He once killed a man solely because he was wearing a nicer hat than he was.
            Gerald was born to a small family with little to no money to their name. Which is what made Gerald’s story so impressive. He came from nothing, yet by the time he was sixteen he had already a hundred soldiers under him. This was because he joined the Royal Army at the ripe age of fourteen, which wasn’t unheard of back then. Once he joined, his bloodlust for battle quickly got him a bad reputation. He slayed his way to the top, being as cut throat as possible. Once he had enough soldiers under his command, he split from the Royal Army to create a new organization. Of course, this meant he and his men would become outlaws, but none of that really phased Gerald.
            After he formed his new group, they ransacked village after village, living on supplies from town to town. Eventually they struck deals with certain particular villages that caught his eye, recruiting every able body to join his cause. Jerry, at the age of eighteen, had become a tyrant.
            It was at this stage in life that Jerry finally began to mellow out. Sure he was still on the run, and his followers fought and sacrificed their lives each and every day, but he had finally felt content with what he had accomplished. Although he tore his country apart, he did so complacently. According to him, it was just something that had to be done.
            His numbers grew so much, that by a year’s time, most of the Royal Army had laid down their arms. It wasn’t before long that the king himself had ordered all remaining troops to retreat. Gerald really did have his own piece of the world. Unfortunately, the house he grew up in and the small remote village that he come from was on the Royal Army’s side and everyone he ever knew had most likely been executed, but he wasn’t very close with them anyway.
            Gerald ruled with an iron fist, sentencing all criminals to death. Ironically, almost all of his soldiers that fought for him were also criminals, so it was only a matter of time before most of them were exterminated. It was because of this actually, that eventually led to his downfall.
            He got pretty lonely ruling alone so he decided to take up a wife, six of them total. Each lasted about a year before he grew tired of them and so he just locked them away in his castle. After the 6th one, he had ran out of rooms to put them in so he decided to let them all go free… Just kidding he actually killed them all. Brutally murdered each one while making the others watch, but even then he didn’t quite feel satisfied. Something always escaped him and it wasn’t until he had been ruling for nearly a decade that he realized what it was. A crown!
            So after ordering all of his remaining troops to impregnate every single women he ruled over. Which in reality caused a lot more troops to die due to them fighting over who they wanted, but he was finally ready to go to war once more.
            Since his reign of terror, the Royal Army had bolstered its forces considerably, expecting an inevitable attack once more from Gerald the Cunt. Just to be clear, the Army gave him this nickname because they had narrowed down where he had come from to a small village called Cuntherum. Which as it turns out, wasn’t even where he originated from, but all those people of Cuntherum suffered a horrendous amount of torture and execution for a simple mistake.
            When Gerald and his armies finally did attack, the Royal Armies dominated them. Huge bloodbaths occurred, which almost made Jerry smile had it not been for that it was his men dying. Eventually he was captured and brought in front of the Royal King and his council.
            Since the war only lasted a few months, Gerald still had a lot of bloodlust in him. As it turns out, he had quite the following from within the army still. One of the jihadists broke him out of his cage just before his revealing to the king. As the Royal King called for Gerald to be brought out, Gerald called for his head from behind the throne. And, in one fowl swoop it was so. The same soldier who broke him out, betrayed the Royal King and took his head in front of the council. Gerald of course called for everyone to either pledge allegiance to him or lose their lives, and most of which chose the former.

At last he had it all, an entire country bent to his will. He lived out the rest of his days a finally happy man, as he sat on the Throne of Corpses. It was a truly historic moment in time and something that haunts the record books forever. Based on a true story.


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