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Showing posts from December, 2017

The Quintessential Question & Answer

*This is something my mind created for the sole purpose of examining why man is the way he is* The Quintessential Question & Answer What if I told you that time was immeasurable? Sure we can count the times the sun loops around the sky, but what is time without change. If everything remained the exact same no matter how many times the sun came or went, would time still be measurable? Or would we modify it based upon when something occurred. For instance, when the dinosaurs went extinct, when Jesus rose from the dead, these are all occurrences we try to measure with time but without them they are just moments when the sun was either shining or darkness fell. When events occur, we tend to try and put some sort of measurement on them based upon time. It gives some relevance to things, but without time things tend to just get lost or jumbled up. This story is about one of those moments, lost in a period where time was immeasurable. I was stuck in an unfamiliar place where the su...