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The Quintessential Question & Answer

*This is something my mind created for the sole purpose of examining why man is the way he is*
The Quintessential Question & Answer
What if I told you that time was immeasurable?
Sure we can count the times the sun loops around the sky, but what is time without change.
If everything remained the exact same no matter how many times the sun came or went, would time still be measurable? Or would we modify it based upon when something occurred. For instance, when the dinosaurs went extinct, when Jesus rose from the dead, these are all occurrences we try to measure with time but without them they are just moments when the sun was either shining or darkness fell.
When events occur, we tend to try and put some sort of measurement on them based upon time. It gives some relevance to things, but without time things tend to just get lost or jumbled up. This story is about one of those moments, lost in a period where time was immeasurable.
I was stuck in an unfamiliar place where the sun stood still for an unexplainable amount of time. When I slept, I had no way of knowing how long it had been. Imagine waiting for events to unfold before you, yet nothing ever coming about. If this does not intrigue you, well it should. Time without measure is not time at all, it is simply just existence.
The one thing I knew for sure was that I was in the present. I had forgotten most of my past and no idea about my future. I was certain I would soon go mad, and so I did. We humans are such simple creatures, always dictated by a schedule. When to eat, when to sleep, when to wake up, are all decisions that our mind makes. But if you are stuck in a fragment or glitch in which no events occur, then your body will tell you nothing.
It wasn’t before long that I began pondering how I got here. Perhaps it was due to an information overload, I tried to do too many things at once and I finally broke, or perhaps it was something much simpler. Regardless of how it came to be, I was stuck in the predicament of what seemed to be eternal nothingness and I intended to escape.
So I thought of every memory I could, dating all the way back to childhood. If the present held no answers, then maybe the past would. I relived every moment I possibly could, eventually narrowing it down to every detail my mind could muster. Most memories of which were just my brain filling in the blanks, but still it brought me a sense of joy.
After living inside my mind for as long as I could bare, I decided it best to move on. I explored my surroundings only to find pure emptiness. A void if you will, devote of anything substantial. I could not find food, nor did I feel the urge to. I could not find anything of value, in fact the only thing that surrounded me was the sand between my toes. Walking for miles upon miles did no good, but then again miles were just a sense of measurement man created to examine the distance between objects. Could land without objects really even be measured?
Questioning things such as this allowed me to dive into the true purpose of its creation and in doing so the nature of man. It was after answering all the questions inside my head that I could, that I finally came to the conclusion of where I was.
Which in turn raised one final question, the afterlife. If this was in fact where I was, then how could I get out. Did I even want to get out? The purpose of a purgatory as man believed it to be was to hold the soul somewhere until it was ready to move on. I accepted this to be true, but in doing so damned myself. I searched deep within my soul trying to find what was holding me back, and even thought of this being afterlife itself. If this were true then there was no moving on.
As I asked myself more questions I found that my mind would eventually rationalize an answer. Reality is what our minds make of it and so I decided to make my own. I named this purgatory of mine. Not heaven, nor hell, but something I could relate to: Earth. I named it Earth not due to lack of imagination, but because I wanted it to be Earth.
I wanted it to be Earth so badly that I began imagining objects, different things to occupy my mind. In doing so I knew it only worsened my madness, but it also brought me enjoyment. Picturing a palm tree where grains of sand were in front of me, and on my sides. No single flake of sand was different, and yet my mind was powerful enough to create items in unique places. I pretended to walk through forests of trees and bushes, creating an environment around me. Closing my eyes helped, as all I saw was sun and sand around me anyways. It was at this moment through mad tranquility that it hit me.
The quintessential question of why man was the way he was had finally been answered. Purpose. A man without purpose is no longer a man, and without an earth to live in, neither was I. I was just another soul, lost in the deserts of time and I had accepted that much.
As soon as this epiphany occurred, I woke up. I woke up to a time and place I long thought forgotten, and so it dawned upon me to write this. Not as a warning, but as a gift so that man may know the truth that is to come. Everything is what you make of it, so make damn sure you have a creative mind. Man has created tools since the beginning in order to serve a purpose. Time is just a measurement that serves a purpose, but as I stand before you today, eternal peace can be bestowed upon you so long as you serve your purpose. Go out and be the best you that you can possibly be, both physically and mentally, and in doing so you shall serve the Lord, amen. So be it, and let it be so. 
~C. J. Strong


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